Korri’s Weiser BBQ Was a Success <3 Thank You
There was so much love and positivity in Weiser on Saturday anyone in a 50 mile radius would have felt it. I was honored that Wow Country and myself were asked to join in to help raise awareness and funds for Korri who is a night manager at the Ridley's Family Market there.
On March 7th Korri had a full shift at work and right after, drove straight from work to help calf cows on her friends farm. They were all up most of the night, finishing up about 4am. On her drive back home to pick her sister up for work, Korri lost control of her car and flipped it. After 3 hospital transports, surgeries, procedures, tests and more, it is quite a miracle she is alive. Find out more about Korri's accident in my first article about her here.
The Ridley's staff is more like a family and they were all heartbroken when they heard about Korri. Lissa, The general manager was organizing a raffle fundraiser and Benefit BBQ to help the family with the over $200,000 in medical bills. Yes, that is with having medical insurance. Many stores and businesses in Weiser came together and donated items to be raffled off. Thousands of dollars were raised with the raffle items alone.
Pulled Pork and Hot Dogs with drinks and chips made for an incredible outside BBQ experience for all. There was even a sweet family who baked fresh cookies and made nearly $100 selling them in bags for Korri. The Wow crew, my son Titus included all fell for the kindness and hospitality. Weiser and the people who live there are really something special.
Korri, her mother and some of her siblings made an appearance on Saturday as well. It was her first time really getting out since the accident over a month ago. She was in pain but also in good spirits. It was wonderful to see her smile with her friends.
The raffle and BBQ raised thousands for Korri but comes no where near what the bills total. If you feel compelled to help in anyway check out Korris go fund me page here.