Thrift shops are popular because of their affordability, unique and vintage finds, the treasure hunting experience, and the opportunity to support charitable causes or local communities.

Where is your favorite thrift store in the Treasure Valley?

On a Boise Reddit thread, someone posted a question in the group "I will be in Boise a couple of times in the next month for work (driving) and am looking for good thrift stores. Last fall, I went to four different ones (the ones closest to Boise) and found mostly junk. I'm looking for kid's clothes, toys, household goods, etc, and not looking for furniture. Can anyone recommend some other shops? I'm coming from the West but don't mind driving around."

With that question came a list of people's favorite thrift stores and one that kept getting attention for not being such a great place. When scrolling through the comment section, you'll never know what you'll find. For example, this person, in particular, was happy their favorite thrift store wasn't mentioned.


Because so many thrift shops are run by local charities, non-profit organizations, or social enterprises, people can contribute to charitable causes or support community development initiatives when they shop at these establishments. When someone on the thread brought up Restyle on Vista, things were brought to the surface and might actually be a good reason to avoid this particular thrift store. If you want to know why Restyle is taking heat and, at some point, had to have the Attorney General step in, keep scrolling.

The Best Thrift Shops in the Treasure Valley

According to locals on a Reddit thread, these are the best thrift shops.

Idaho Youth Ranch Stores Will Not Accept These 15 Items

According to the Idaho Youth Ranch Thrift Stores website, their stores will not accept these items as donations.

by u/Confident-Culture-12 in Boise

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