More West Nile Virus in Ada County
Summer winding down doesn't mean the WNV danger is gone.
This time, the Ada County Mosquito Abatement District has found west nile virus (WNV) near south Maple Grove and west Overland Rd. If you live in that area be aware, and make sure you continue to take the proper precautions. Practice those 3 D's of prevention:
- DEFEND by using DEET or other EPA-approved mosquito repellent to protect uncovered skin.
- DRAIN all standing water from objects on your property that may serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
- DRESS appropriately by wearing light-colored, loose-fitting, longed-sleeves shirts and pants.
If you have questions or want to see a map of all of the locations west nile virus has been found this summer, visit the Ada County Mosquito Abatement District web site.
Source: Ada County Mosquito Abatement District