National Gumbo Day, So Get Your Gumbo Fix In The Treasure Valley
"Gumbo is a soup popular in the U.S. state of Louisiana, and its the official state cuisine. Gumbo consist primarily of a strongly-flavored stock, meat or shellfish, a thickener, and the creole" is what you'll find on Wikipedia when you search Gumbo.
It's National Gumbo day, and has we start to see the warmer days fade off into the sunset, the leaves starting to change color, and it starting to feel more like Fall it's a perfect time to celebrate National Gumbo on October 12.
All you have to do is Google "Gumbo" and you'll find and endless amount of recipes. I've actually I have never made Gumbo, but I sure know when I find a spot that has good Gumbo I'll become that restaurants biggest fan!
I've also never been to Louisiana, so have I actually had authentic Gumbo? No, but my taste buds like what they like and I think it's time to make the trip to Louisiana.
According to NationalDay.com "So what makes gumbo such a big deal? Its historical significance to Louisiana goes back to the beginning of the 19th century when English settlers arrived in the area and took note of the rich, hearty, stew-like — and spicy! — dish. Gumbo has never lost its momentum as a staple of Louisiana cuisine. It’s the “official food” of Louisiana, and we would be hard-pressed to find a restaurant in the region that didn’t have gumbo on the menu."
And why is gumbo called Gumbo? "Gumbo is often cited as an example of the melting-pot nature of Louisiana cooking, but trying to sort out the origins and evolution of the dish is highly speculative. The name derives from a West African word for okra, suggesting that gumbo was originally made with okra."
Thinking about Gumbo now? check out these top spots for Gumbo in the Treasure Valley. You'll also find the best restaurants for soul food, and the top 30 restaurants in Boise in 2022.