Some years I love to make New Years resolutions, but some years I think the whole thing is ridiculous.  I mean if it is that important I'd be doing it right?  Or If I was genetically made to be slim it would already happen ....right?  Of course!!!  I happened to stumble on the kind of list that helps those of us who simply need to feel good about showing up each day just as we are, because in my mind, that is simply fabulous and we don't need a resolution!

Queenstown New Years Celebrations

I made up a list that speaks our language people! I can pretty much guarantee you'll feel a little better about starting out 2016 with a skip in your step! Here are some of the best of the list:

1.  Change your dirty sheets

2.  Check that voicemail, and return the call

3.  Get up out of bed after your first alarm (just once)

4.  Make one dinner on your own stove

Forbes wrote a story on forgetting the New Years resolution....I tend to agree.  Click here to find out what many of us are thinking about those silly resolutions.  Forbes says, "Beware the delusionary promise of the ‘fresh start"!  Cheers to a great New Year!


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