Ben's Crow Inn announced they were shutting their doors forever back in 2016 and now, two years later, people are still talking about how good their oysters were.  So we all know that's how life is.  Sometimes we just have to move forward and find the next big thing which is exactly what people are doing but what is the next big thing around here when it comes to oysters?  I came across a post in on the Boise Bench Dwellers Facebook page this week that got me thinking.  Where is the best place now to go grab some fresh, delicious oysters?

Here are some of the comments posted on that page...

Oysters were so good at The Crow




The Oregon Coast


Jumpin' Janet's has decent Oyster Shooters


Luna House Restaurant in Yachats, Oregon


Dutch Goose


There are no great oysters.  They're all yucky.






Reels Foods is supposed to be reopening at Vista Village. They used to be on Capital Blvd. That place is bomb. They had an oyster bar with a huge variety. They were supposed to have opened by now

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