Thanks a lot, COVID.

We have been robbed of so many things this year, haven't we? When the lockdown hit, many believed we would be out of the woods by the time summer rolled around. While we were willing to give up our spring, we were not in the market for forfeit the summer. Well, after summer looked different, we are more determined than ever to protect our favorite holidays which are rapidly approaching.

This starts with Halloween.

Many of us deeply love the holiday. The costumes, the parties, the candy... we want all of it. And I believe we can have all of it, but we just have to make some tweaks. As for the candy however, we may not have a lot of choice. We just received notice that one candy will not be on store shelves this year.

Say goodbye to the Halloween Peeps.

Actually, say goodbye to both the Halloween and the holiday Peeps. Just Born, the company that makes the festive marshmallows, just announced that they will not even try to get a product out before the end of 2020. In fact, they aren't even optimistic about Valentine's Day.

Just Born Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Marshmallow Peeps Candy
William Thomas Cain, ThinkStock Images

Due to factory shutdowns and COVID restrictions, production is severely limited. In order to take care of their employees and also their customers, Just Born has decided to forego the next several holiday and focus on their bread and butter... Easter. I've always felt like Easter is where Peeps really get their time in the spotlight and with this announcement, I'd say that's true. It sounds like they're sacrificing their less profitable holidays to prepare for the big one.

As for other candies, don't be afraid.

Other large candy makers have been preparing for this holiday for years. Both Hershey and Mars stay about two years ahead of the game. Executives for these companies are actually afraid they will have too much product. If people don't celebrate Halloween like they usually do, spending could be down which means less demand for the sweet stuff.

Hershey the name behind Hershey's chocolate, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Kit-Kat Bars, while Mars makes Snickers and M&M's. The good news for these companies is that people don't buy their product just for special occasions and spending appears to be comparable. Ferrero, the company that makes Butterfinger, Baby Ruth, and Crunch, has stated that pre-holiday spending is on par with previous years.

So, at the very least, we'll have chocolate this year. I also expect candy corn to be around... most likely from last year's unsold stash. I don't know how people eat that waxy stuff. *yuck*

Gallery — Every Movie Theater Candy, Ranked:

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