We celebrated our Redneck Neighbors on the show today for "White Trash Wednesday!" Rick and I have more redneck in us than most, so we encourage others to take pride in being a little redneck as well.

Lori in Nyssa called in and said she has a neighbor that gets up at 6:30 every morning and walks out in his tighty whitey's to start his truck!

Randi in Meridian has a neighbor who has 4 white mini-vans piled up in his yard, plus he's got about 15 cats and the left side of his porch out back keeps slumping lower and lower!

Terri in Caldwell says redneck neighbors are his favorite! He has a neighbor that starts a big bon fire every night of the entire year! They sit around on tree stumps and seem to always have enough hotdogs, marshmallows, and beer for everyone!

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