See Bronco’s Basketball LIVE in Person Again! 900 Fans Allowed
We took things for granted, well I don't want to speak for you but I certainly took things for granted before Covid. Like seeing live sporting events, in person, the cheering the adrenaline all of it. TV sports is just not the same, I cant get into it like I can live sports. True childhood story, my dad used to pay me, just a couple of bucks, to watch big football games. While he was working on something in the garage, house or yard (he was always working on something) I would write down big plays and who did them, any big moments and who won. Then the next day he went to work like he watched the game. So it just wasn't a thing in my household to watch sports. But get me to a live game in just about any sport and I'm all about it.
My man took me to a Boise State University Basketball game about a year and a half ago. It was a blast, Bucky the Bronco and I became pals. Thanks to KTVB7 we know that restrictions are being lifted and Extra Mile Arena is allowing 900 fans to be in attendance for men's basketball games on Wednesday and Friday.

Here are some changes and things to be mindful of,
-There will be no concessions
-The usual facial coverings required applies
-The arena will be encouraging social distancing and seating (no floor seats and you must stay in your purchased seat) and floor signage will reflect that.
-You also have to clear a health screening including a temperature check before you can get in.
You can expect tickets to range from $30-40. What is left after the Bronco Athletic Association and season ticket holders gets opened up to the general public. The new(ish) Boise State athletic director Jeramiah Dickey said the university's plan has been looked over and checked off by health experts.