Today's Dear Randy and Alana came from Alisha who was wondering if the popular Stitch Fix was worth the cost. 

From personal experience!  YES!!!  I got my first "Fix" last week and it's amazing! If you haven't heard of Stitch Fix.  It's a personal shopper for you.  You go to the website.  Let them know how much your budget is and they will send outfits accordingly.  The more you answer (and I found linking to my Pinterest page) is helpful.  The personal stylist gets an idea about your taste in clothing after you answer a series of questions.  They ended up sending me five pieces that I wouldn't necessarily pick out for myself but I tried them on any way!  The fit was perfect.  The style?  Completely me.  I ended up keeping three of the five pieces. They also make it super easy to send stuff back with a return envelope all pre-paid for ease.  They also give you a little card to show you how to pair your new pieces.


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