
Ladies are Hunting in Big Numbers
Ladies are Hunting in Big Numbers
Ladies are Hunting in Big Numbers
More people are hunting, especially women. Hell yea ladies! I think these numbers will continue to increase as people find ways to be more self-sufficient and socially distance. Hunting covers it all.
Nampa Man Shot By His Mom
Nampa Man Shot By His Mom
Nampa Man Shot By His Mom
42 year old Brant Balls is lucky to be alive after his mother shot him while hunting in Clark County on Saturday.
Middleton Family Invents Great Hunting Accessory
I love it when someone has a great idea and then has the guts to put that idea to work!  What is even better is when it catches on and becomes something great!  That is what happened to a Middleton family who has come up with a great way to pack big game.
Why Hunters Hunt
Why Hunters Hunt
Why Hunters Hunt
Donnie Vincent wants people to understand the hunt. He does it by documenting his hunts, and they're pretty amazing.

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