
Idaho: Are We a Leading State for Used Car Dealerships?
Idaho: Are We a Leading State for Used Car Dealerships?
Idaho: Are We a Leading State for Used Car Dealerships?
Idaho is actually in the Top 5 states in the country with the most used car dealerships per capita. And, kind of interesting, but there are apparently more used car dealerships in Idaho than ever before, but the number of used car dealership’s employees is steadily decreasing.
Ranked, 9 Treasure Valley (ish) Counties with the WORST Commutes
Ranked, 9 Treasure Valley (ish) Counties with the WORST Commutes
Ranked, 9 Treasure Valley (ish) Counties with the WORST Commutes
I currently commute to Boise every morning from Nampa, and that drive takes me about 35 minutes. The drive home can be over an hour long sometimes, depending on whether or not I beat the rush and what time I can actually get on the road. If I beat the rush, it’s about a 25-minute commute, and that doesn’t seem too bad.

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