Teenager Arrested For (Accidentally) Shooting Girl in the Leg on UStick
Nobody's giving authorities any straight answers on this one. Many conflicting stories but one teenage boy has now been arrested and hauled off to jail.
A couple weeks ago there was a shooting on UStick between 10 Mile and Black Cat Roads. The shooter didn't report anything... the girl who got shot didn't report anything, and Ada County Sheriff Deputies couldn't find any evidence of a shooting. So who did report it and what's the deal? Who got shot and why, or did anyone get shot at all?
A report from a third party came in that a girl with a bullet wound in her leg was being treated at the hospital. After doing some digging, Deputies found that a teenage boy was messing around with a handgun in the girl's home and it most likely went off, accidentally.
Both the teenage boy and girl lied to authorities about what had actually happened. The girl originally said she was walking on UStick and was hit by a bullet from some kind of drive-by.
The teenage boy has been arrested and authorities are thinking of charging the girl with providing false information to law enforcement which is a misdemeanor. The 35-year-old man who drove the girl to the hospital is also possibly going to receive charges of providing false information to law enforcement.
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