The FREE App That Guarantees No More Boise Parking Tickets
You push the "free 20 minutes" button and think you'll be back in time. 21 minutes later, you've got a pricey parking ticket. Never again, says this free new app.
The app is called Parkmobile and it is absolutely genius. Best part? It's completely free, and utterly idiot-proof to use.
It's so simple. You download the free Parkmoblie app, and give it your cars make, color, and license plate number. Then, whenever you park somewhere with a "zone number" on it, just tell the app what zone you parked in and you're good to go. The best part, if you're at dinner and it's going late, you can always add more time to your meter right from the app. That way, you'll never again have to live in fear of getting a parking ticket if you can't make it back to your ride in time.
I've used it a few times, and the app is pretty flawless.
Full Disclosure: I was in no way compensated for this blog. I'm just a really big fan of this app, and it's saved me at least $100 so far on avoided parking tickets!
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