I read an article the other day with this exact title and had to agree completely. The writer said “The problem with same-sex marriage is that, well… that it isn’t news at all.” She talked about a few recent same-sex marriages that had occurred within her family and she could not be more happy that love triumphed.

Now I generally don’t get involved in heated political topics.  Everyone has an opinion and I respect those who offer thoughtful insight into why they feel one way or another.  After the 9th Circuit ruled on the same-sex marriage ban in Idaho I went to see what people were saying on Facebook.  I know.  Big mistake. I wanted to see what Idahoans thought about it since we are viewed as one of the more conservative states.  What I found?  A 5th grade playground.  AND these comments were coming from adults.

Credit | facebook.com/ktvb

I knew better than to read further but as I did these comments became more and more ugly.  How can someone sit behind the screen of a computer and not be held accountable for the hate that is spewing from their words?  It tells you a lot about where we are in a society and culture and it makes me sad.

Credit | facebook.com/ktvb

I grew up in a conservative house so I am not immune to hearing conservative discussion on topics like gay marriage.  I am happy to see same-sex marriages happening and whether or not you choose to like me less because I hold that view is entirely up to you. I just can’t idly sit by and watch fellow community members be so hateful.  Before you sit down at your computer and raggedly form a response, think for one second how what you say will make someone else feel.  So.  As we treat the internet as our 5th grade playground let’s remember what we were all taught: Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

At the end of the day I choose love, kindness, patience, and tolerance because that's what I believe my God asks of me to help make the world a little bit better place.


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