So you just moved to Idaho and you're thinking, "I can't do these winters." Don't worry....this is a weird one.

When I first moved to Boise (August 2012), I was told "It never gets this hot here, this is just a weird summer." Six months later in the thick of winter when it was -11 for a week, they said, "don't worry it's never this cold here."


Thankfully I pulled through and realized that even though we have crazy weather mood swings it's great here. Now, if you're a newbie to Idaho, and you're seeing all this snow on the ground, you're probably thinking, "I can't do this." Well I'm here to tell you ---- it really ISN'T this bad!!! In fact, the last time we had this much snow on the ground was 1985!!! So believe me, it'll be better soon. In the meantime, go make some snowballs!!!!

Also, remember that winter weather advisory is in effect until 11p tonight, so drive safe because we should be getting up to 7"!!!

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