I love chickens!!!! If I didn’t have the fear that Lucy The Wonder Dog would be a little too close of friends with them I would absolutely have a backyard chicken coop. I haven’t always been this way but after my parents got chickens…it’s how they filled the nest after I left; I have been a huge believer in eating the freshest eggs I have ever had and they are just all around cool animals. Except for roosters. Roosters are jerks.

But. Great news! This weekend in the Treasure Valley you can check out all the chicken coop ideas in the Valley on Sunday! The Tour de Coop will be from 10a to 4p and the cost is just $10 for adults, $5 for children and $25 for a family pass. The funds raised go to the Bishop Kelly foundation for scholarships. There are prizes to win! Click here to purchase your tickets or you can hit up any Zamzows location or Boise At Its Best Flowers.

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