At WOW Country 104.3 your opinion counts. Thanks in advance for helping make sure we play the BEST songs for YOU. Plus, it’s fast and fun!

There are approximately 35 very short song segments for you to listen to. You'll hear just a few seconds of each song which should enable you to recognize and rate each song.

It won't take too long to complete, but you don't have to listen to all the music in one sitting. The survey will be active for roughly 12 days from the date of this post (if you need to leave and log back in, the software will remember where you left off).

We want YOUR thoughts on these songs, please don't ask someone else to help you (and please don't have someone else complete the survey for you).

Thanks for letting us know what you think about the music!

One last VERY important item: be SURE you use Market Code: A50

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