Vote on School Bonds and Levies Tomorrow
School districts all over Idaho need your approval for bonds and levies. Voting is tomorrow 3/14.
You have a chance to get your voice heard on different bonds and levies that could affect your kids. Voting day is tomorrow throughout Idaho; below are some proposals for schools here in the Treasure Valley as reported on KTVB:
*General obligation bonds = needs supermajority -two-thirds- approval to pass
**Supplemental levy = needs simple majority -over 50 percent- approval to pass
Boise School District
-General obligation bonds*
-For construction of new schools, and improvements to existing schools
Kuna School District
-General obligation bonds*
-For construction of new high school, and improvements/renovations to existing schools
Kuna School District
-Supplemental levy**
-$2,500,000 per year for two years
-For maintaining and operating schools
West Ada School District
-Plant facilities levy
-$16,000,000 per year for 10 years
-Requires 60 percent majority to pass
-For purchase of school sites, and renovation/improvement of existing buildings
Horseshoe Bend School District
-Supplemental levy**
-For maintaining and operating schools
Kuna School District
-General obligation bonds*
-For construction of new high school, and improvements/renovations to existing schools
Marsing School District
-General obligation bonds*
-For construction of a new middle school, and improvements/renovations to high school and elementary school
Vallivue School District
-Plant facilities levy
-$2,000,000 per year for 10 years
-For construction/renovation of schools, and other expenses