Wallace Fall for History Festival Takes Place This Weekend
The Wallace, Idaho Fall For History Festival is this weekend. Ready for a road trip?
It's been called one of America's "best preserved cities" by several travel bloggers and historical websites. The small north Idaho city will be celebrating it's heritage this weekend with their annual "Fall For History" festival.
You'll be able to enjoy a series of colorful lectures, beer tasting and beer history tours, history re-enactments, live theater productions, and guided tours of the town -- which is listed entirely on the National Register of Historic Places. So, there's that! But that's not all!
Wallace has quite a story. The theme of this year's festival is "Defying Death and Destruction." And in keeping with theme is an account of former Wallace Mayor Herman Rossi’s scandalous 1916 murder trial. According to the history books, Rossi shot his much younger wife’s alleged lover in the lobby of Wallace’s Samuels’ Hotel. Yup. Killed him dead.
Did you see the movie Dante's Peak? Where the mythical volcano virtually destroyed the whole town? Starred Pierce (I played James Bond for a while) Brosnan and Linda (Terminator mom) Hamilton? That movie was filmed in Wallace in 1997. If you go to the festival you can take the walking tour of the scenes where the movie was filmed. Cause...you know, the town really wasn't destroyed. Those wacky special effects crews!
You'll want to check out the Historic Nine Mile Cemetery, where actors will portray some of the more notable citizens buried there, including Herman Rossi (remember him?) and the Northwest’s most famous prize fighter, Guido Bardelli, also known as Young Firpo—the Battling Bull of Burke. Bardelli was posthumously inducted in the World Boxing Hall of Fame in 2009. (See, Tombstone's Boot Hill Cemetery ain't got nothin' on Wallace!)
You can also check out guided tours of historic homes, churches and the commercial district, tours of the town’s three museums, and the Pulaski Trail.
So when you think about history, and stepping back in time, a drive to Wallace for the weekend will transport you back rather quickly. It's a cool city and has a quite a story to tell.
Source: Wallace Chamber of Commerce