Want One of These? Yee Yee!
Suns out! Guns Out! Yee Yee! How can YOU get one of these?
If you've been to an event where our Wow Team has been on stage, chances are you've heard us say...ala Tony Montana...."say 'ello to our yittle frien'!"...the WOW T-Shirt cannon!
When the Granger Smith and Earl Dibbles, Jr., camp heard about our cannon, they said..."hey...we gotta get in on that action! Yee Yee!"
So they sent us a bunch, and we mean...a BUNCH...of t-shirts and tank tops to shoot out at the Boise Music Festival on Saturday!
How do YOU get one? Well, for starters, be there and be in place BEFORE Granger takes the stage, and then get ready, because when the WOW team comes out, we'll be shootin' shirts into the crowd! By the way...if you're not right up close to the stage, no worries, because our "yittle frien'" can shoot shirts a long way out...and a long way up!
It's gonna be a lot of fun, and hopefully you'll be on the receiving end of shirts flying through the air! Get your tickets....and we'll see you Saturday at the Boise Music Festival! Yee Yee!