A new article in the Huffington Post talks about "Things Women Wish Men Would Do On Dates." I agree with some of their findings, but other things seem pretty old school!

  1. Don't talk about your sex life...or lack there of (Either way this is bad!)
  2. Be honest (but not too honest! Little white lies are fine! Yes, you look good in that dress!)
  3. Open doors and pull out chairs (This is one that I feel is old fashioned. For me personally, I would feel silly if a guy did this.)
  4. Do Not examine the bill when you get it....they already feel bad enough you're paying. (Good advice here! Don't make it awkward!)
  5. Listen!! Don't just talk! (So important! Even if you aren't interested... Act Interested!! She wants to share too and you should want to learn about her! It's a careful balance.)
  6. Ask them out on a Date...women don't want to just hang out or chill. (Amen! Girl's want to be officially asked out, or at least I do!)


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