Permanent Off-Leash Area Proposed for Ann Morrison Park
Since moving to Idaho, I've taken my dogs to Ann Morrison Park during their off-leash season (November 1 - February 28) every year. There's so much room for them to run around AND it actually serves a good purpose! Believe it or not, it helps keep the damaged caused by Canadian geese at bay.
But what about the rest of the year when the weather's amazing and everyone is out and about? A year-round off-leash area at Ann Morrison park could be an option soon thanks to a new proposal. According to the Boise Weekly, an agreement between the City of Boise and a group called Together Treasure Valley, could mean not just a specific area for our furry friends, but our pups could be getting their own ISLAND!
The area, "duck island" would be in the Northwest corner of the park and would be known as the 'Together Treasure Valley Dog Island' thanks do a $50,000 donation from the group composed of businesses like Albertsons, Idaho Power, BSU, and more. The Boise Parks and Recreation Commission is all for the idea, but the final decision will be made by the Boise City Council when it meets Tuesday, Feb. 27.