That's right! You can get a porcupine a bundt-cake mold and mike his day.

According to the Idaho Statesman, the staff at Zoo Boise is cranking up their animal enrichment efforts — activities, toys and treats that keep the animals engaged and in touch with their wild instincts.

And you can get in on the process too! Because the animals at Zoo Boise actually have an Amazon wishlist!! You can go HERE and check out what they need. Some of the items include:
  • Credit: imagine products via Amazon
    Credit: imagine products via Amazon


    Maybe these will be used for companionship for other birds??

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    Pit Balls

    These for a monkey play pen?

  • Credit: Bay Brook via Amazon
    Credit: Bay Brook via Amazon

    Bubble Solution

    They also want more bubbles! (Who doesn't) Whoever, they're gonna give them another go with the Coatis -they didn't like them much the first time around.

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