Year-Round Hunting in Utah

Utah is a paradise for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts, offering a diverse range of hunting opportunities throughout the year. If you're passionate about the thrill of the hunt and enjoying the great outdoors, you'll be delighted to know that you can hunt several animal species year-round in Utah. So grab your gear, and let's explore these fascinating creatures and the adventures that await!

The Hunting Seasons in Utah

Utah showcases a diverse array of hunting seasons, each offering its own unique range of game species to chase. From deer and elk to upland birds and waterfowl, there's something to satisfy every hunting enthusiast. As the seasons shift, so do the opportunities to track different games, reflecting Utah's dedication to wildlife conservation and sustainable hunting practices. It truly underscores the state's commitment to preserving its rich wildlife heritage.

Did You Know You Can Hunt Year-Round in Utah?

In Utah, you can hunt a few species year-round, but it's important to have accurate information as regulations can be specific and vary slightly depending on the species and location. 

Conservation Efforts in Utah

As hunters, we have a unique responsibility to be stewards of the land and wildlife we cherish. Utah's conservation efforts are crucial in maintaining healthy ecosystems and preserving our natural heritage. By participating in hunting, you contribute to managing and conserving wildlife populations. It's a rewarding way to connect with nature.


  • Always double-check regulations: Hunting regulations and bag limits can vary depending on the specific hunting unit and species. Refer to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources website or hunting guidebooks for the latest information.
  • Permits and licenses: Most year-round hunts still require appropriate licenses and permits.
  • Responsible hunting: Practice ethical and accountable principles to ensure sustainable wildlife populations.

9 Animals You Can Hunt Year-Round In Utah

If you're interested in hunting a specific species, I recommend visiting the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources website ( or consulting a local hunting guide for detailed information about regulations, seasons, and permits.
Have a safe and enjoyable hunting experience in Utah!

Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews

Top 10 Most Popular Hunting Destinations In America

27/7 Wall St. ranked each state in order of how popular they are as a destination for hunters. Here are the Top 10.

Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews

9 Animals You Can Hunt Year-Round In Idaho

If you want to hunt year-round, you can! Here's what you can hunt year-round in Idaho. Contact Idaho Fish & Game for more information.

Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews

States with the most registered hunters

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Gallery Credit: Meagan Drillinger

10 Animals You Can Hunt Year-Round In California

  • Always double-check specific regulations and licensing requirements before heading out. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) website is the most reliable source for the latest hunting information:
  • Be aware of hunting zones and boundaries. Different areas may have specific restrictions or closures.
  • Respect private property and landowner permissions.
  • Hunt ethically and sustainably.

Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews

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