School is out and kids across the Treasure Valley are looking for ways to pass the time. For parents, the free time that the kids have can be both a blessing and a curse.

Sure, you can chalk up all of the food they're going to eat out of boredom as one of the curses but where you live (unfortunately) can play a factor in that.

Is your child creating summertime memories in a safe place?

Summer is a time for kids to get out into the neighborhood, explore the backwoods, and enjoy the sun not setting until around 10 PM.

Unfortunately, times are changing, and danger could lurk around any corner. Whether it's from drug activity, violence, or gang-related activity, there are plenty of threats to our kids out there.

With kids being out of school in the summertime, there's no question that the chance for them to become a victims of crime increases in certain areas.

Luckily, we found the best neighborhoods to raise a family according to Neighborhood Scout.

Is your neighborhood among the safest in Boise?

Did Your Neighborhood Make The List For Boise's Top 10 Safest?

Here are the top ten safest neighborhoods in all of Boise...

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

We talked a lot about danger and we can't do that without unveiling the most dangerous neighborhoods in Boise.

Hopefully, you don't live in any of these neighborhoods but if you do, be on the lookout.

Boise's Most Dangerous Neighborhoods

Gallery Credit: Marco

Maybe more police departments should consider following in Nampa PD's footsteps to keep the community safe.

In case you missed it, Nampa police invite the community to share their doorbell cameras for a database.

Would you sign up for this?

Why Nampa Police Need Your Help... And Your Doorbell Camera

Here's everything you need to know about Nampa PD's City Protect Camera Registry Program. Would you sign up?

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

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