Boise School District Switches to All Virtual Learning
The transition will start November 30th. So next week will be the last for the current hybrid model that allows the children to do in person learning every other day. Now they will be switching to all virtual learning until at least January 15th to try and give the county and state time to get COVID numbers down and make sure it does not continue to transfer between students and staff at the schools. Athletics and all extracurricular activities however, are halted as of now. The district will work on a plan for the athletes in the Southern Idaho Conference prior to the winter break.

According to Idaho News Channel 2, Superintendent Coby Dennis said the decision was made because school operations have been greatly affected by the rising cases of coronavirus in the community (including substitute teacher and bus driver shortages). Currently over 1,500 staff members and students are in quarantine. "We really need everyone to get healthy right now," he said.
This is coming shortly after multiple pleading letters from School Nurses requiring the need to return to virtual learning, find out more about that here.
The only reason the district did not pull the plug right away is to give a week for parents and families to adjust the changes and make new plans as needed. Full time remote learning is quite a handful especially with the younger more defiant ones, like mine...
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