Good Samaritan Searching for Owners of Garth Brooks Tickets
Like Luke Bryan said, "I believe most people are good." I totally agree, especially when I hear awesome stories like these. A man named Jason McGuire posted on Facebook a couple of days ago claiming he'd found a pair of tickets to the Garth Brooks show next month at Albertsons stadium.
His post reads in part:
I was at the Portico West St. Lukes building today and found tickets to Garth Brooks laying on the ground. Please contact me if they are yours!
I mean, how awesome is this!?! These Garth Brooks tickets, as I'm sure you know, are the hot tickets of the Summer. For someone to actually try and find their rightful owner is pretty awesome. He could easily sell them online (which he should do anyway) and make a profit but instead is choosing to do the right thing.
If you believe these are your tickets, he is asking that you contact him with, of course, some pertinent information like the day of the show, number of tickets, and which section #.