Grow Your Own Christmas Tree for FREE
Yes, I know Christmas season is still a ways away. But, what if you can get your very own Christmas tree for your yard for FREE?! The Idaho Forest Products Commission is giving away 19,000 one-year-old blue spruce seedlings in celebration of Arbor Day! Celebrated every year on the last Friday of April, Arbor Day is a chance to create awareness for renewable, sustainable trees.
All day long tomorrow, you can stop by participating locations and pick up your seedling free of charge. Then plant it in your yard and watch that sucker grow. According to Hunker.com, Colorado Blue Spruce grow at a rate of about "12 inches per year and up to 24 inches per year when young."
Here's where you can get your baby tree around the Valley:
- Any Home Depot Location
- Mountain West Bank Locations
- Whole Foods
- Boise Co-Op locations
- USFS Lucky Peak Nursery - Boise
You can also contact the UI Pitkin Nursery to order seedlings:
Tel: 208-885-3888
Email: seedlings@ui.edu
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