Joyful Refugees Accepted In Idaho Are Coming From These Countries
What's a refugee?
"As defined by U.S. law and the 1951 Refugee Convention, refugees are migrants seeking entry from a third country who are able to demonstrate that they have been persecuted or have reason to fear persecution, on the basis of one of five “protected grounds”: race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. According to the UN refugee agency, there were nearly twenty-one million refugees worldwide as of mid-2021, more than half of whom came from just four countries: Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Myanmar, in descending order."
Why do refugees come to America?
According to "Due to hazardous conditions and life-threatening situations in their homeland, they are forced to flee. America offers a safe and accepting environment for refugees to live a more comfortable life. However, America is a union of states, and some states are more apt to open their borders than others."
Over 25,000 refugees came to America during the Fiscal year 2022; most of those refugees came from Africa with 7,810 from the Democratic Republic of Congo.
How many of those refugees are in Idaho?
From October through December 2022 Idaho had a total of 155 refugees come to the state. California had 505 followed by Texas with 504 and New York with 415 during that same time period. This data was provided by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration refugee case management system.
From October through December Idaho had refugees come from nine different countries.