Since the days of Adam and Eve (from the Bible, not the adult store), gals have known one thing with certainty -- men don't have a clue. And, no doubt, guys feel the same way about women.

Barbara and Allan Please, authors of "Why Men Don't Have a Clue and Women Always Need More Shoes," have some advice that can help both sexes get a grip on what's going on and make a lasting love connection.

Here's a test for the ladies. Do you agree with these statements about your relationships with men?

Nagging will pay off in the long run
No. Stop nagging and re-train him. Leave his dirty shorts and wet bath towel on the floor until he figures out they don't wash themselves. He's not stupid, only lazy.

He should enjoy shopping as much as you do
Never. Men find shopping stressful. But he can be trained if you go "hunting" for only one item. It's like bagging game. And keep shopping jaunts to 30 minutes or less with no browsing.

Without a remote to channel surf, he's lost
True. Accept this fact. If it drives you crazy, get another TV and snuggle down with your pet and a good tearjerker.

They're stupid not to ask for directions
Wrong. Incredibly, men have an innate ability to find their way without asking for help. But it can't hurt to keep a map in the car. If you're really lost, ask for a potty break and he can get directions without admitting he's up the creek without a paddle.

So ladies - what do you think? Guys? Any rebuttal to the above?

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