It's been said that Boise has everything but the ocean and now people are even surfing in the Treasure Valley!

We all know that Boise and Idaho in general is a well kept secret. It's beautiful here. The people are friendly, there is amazing hiking, fishing, camping, and Rick and I fell in love with the Treasure Valley the moment we drove into town.

Rick is from San Diego and grew up surfing, so we've had the conversation that Boise has everything except the ocean. That's true, but I was thrilled to discover that people are actually river surfing around town and it looks like a blast! Check out these people surfing the Boise River!

If you've never surfed before, Dr. Steven Baker who's an avid river surfer spoke with and says you should take a white water safety course. He also suggests a good river to start out on is the upper wave at Kelly's Whitewater Park in Cascade.

Here's some other river surfing spots you may want to try

  • Gutter outside of Horseshoe bend
  • 36th Street wave between Boise and Garden City
  • Weir
  • Fish Ladder
  • Payette River (there are several waves that vary by season)

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