Scammer Posing As Ada County Deputy
Scammers are getting more and more creative these days and now we've got someone posing as an Ada County Sheriff's Deputy. Here's what you need to know.
A woman named Mary who does not want her last name revealed told KTVB that she received a personalized text message from someone posing as an Ada County Sheriff's Deputy.
The message referred to her by name, including a picture of an officer, and a link asking for money to support the local sheriff's office.
Mary didn't click on the link and when she posted about her experience on Facebook there were about 100 comments, many from others who say they have had the same experience.
In addition to the suspicious text message, Mary received a message on Facebook that said
Someone is posting bad things about you, you need to go look.
It's not known if the two incidents are related or not.
Bottom line, if you receive a message text message from a supposed deputy it's not real and you should never click on any suspicious links. You can also contact non-emergency dispatch at 208-377-6790 or Detective Rob Fowler at 209-377-6790.
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