Who doesn't love the movie "Napoleon Dynamite!?!" Especially cuz arguably, it's one of the biggest films to be shot and take and place in Idaho.  So let's see how much you REALLY know about the movie with this short 6 question quiz. Answers posted below! (No cheating) ;)

1.) What did Napoleon's famous shirt that he wore in the movie say?

A. "Whatever I feel like! GAAAAWWWD!"

B. "I see you're drinking 1% (milk). Is that cuz you think you're fat?"

C. "Vote for Pedro"

D. Seriously? Are you even gonna try to challenge me with this quiz? :P

2.) What was Napoleon's favorite animal

A. Liger

B. Zonkey

C. Beefalo

D. Jaglion

3.) What snack did Napoleon keep in his pocket?

A. Peanuts

B. Trail Mix

C. Carrots

D. Tator Tots

4.) What city in Idaho did the film take place?

A. Boise

B. Preston

C. Idaho Falls

D. Pocatello

5.) Finish this phrase: "Your Mom goes to........."

A. Yoga

B. Therapy

C. Karate

D. College

6.) What kind of device did Uncle Rico own?

A. Lie detector

B. Police Scanner

C. Time Machine

D. Ham Radio

Answers: (1). "Technically" C, but D works too ;),  (2). A  (3). D  (4). B  (5). D  (6). C

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