The Best and Worst School District in Idaho
No one wants the the title "Worst School District in Idaho," but this district is landing in that category. Here's why.
A new study by reveals the "worst" school district in the state is the Wilder School District. They rationalize this title by pointing out that only 43.3% of kids graduate High School in the Wilder District and only 11.4% of adults have a bachelor degree.
On the opposite end of the scale the McCall-Donnely School District Joint School District. To no surprise they have a much higher graduation rate of 77.9% and 32.4% of adults have a bachelor's degree.
I'm not sure if stats like this can necessarily deem a school bad or good. I've always been more concerned with the quality of the teachers my kids have over stats, a nice building, or good reputation.
If you have kids in these school districts, what are your thoughts? Do you agree with this study? If so what's the big problem with the Wilder School District and what makes the McCall-Donnely School District so great!