The Richest Zip Codes in Idaho
I can't wrap my brain around this kind of money, but we've got some very wealthy people in the state of Idaho and here's where they tend to live.
A new study by msn.com shows the richest zip codes across the country and this is what they found in the Gem State.
1. Hill City, Idaho 83337 (located about an hour and a half southeast of Boise.)
The median income in Hill City is $244,091 (what do these people do for a living?!)
There are only 28 households in Hill City, so its a pretty exclusive community, but very well to do.
2. Viola, Idaho 83872 (up north on the Idaho/ Washington border, about 5 1/2 hours away.)
The median income in Viola is $99,886
259 households live here, so again it's very exclusive.
3. Grace, Idaho 83283 (4 1/2 hours away in the southeastern corner of the state.)
The median income in Grace is $89,063
Only 59 households live in Grace, which is probably why I've never heard of it before. Have you?!
4. Atlanta, Idaho 83716 ( a 3 1/2 hour drive towards Stanley.)
The median income in Atlanta is $85,259
Again, not a ton of people live here. There are 6,399 households in Atlanta, Idaho.
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