Two Boise Doctors Write Book on How the World Should Handle Next Pandemic
Idaho just passed a big milestone. Over half of eligible Idahoans are now fully vaccinated. At one point the goal for the state was 70% compliance but, 50% is big for the gem state. Two Boise doctors, who also had a varying roles in how things played out in Idaho last year have an upcoming book. According to The Idaho Statesman, Dr. David Pate and Dr. Ted Epperly's upcoming book lays out what we learned from this pandemic and how the world should handle the next one. It is inevitable that there will be another global pandemic, it may be in 10, years, it may be in 100 years but eventually another will surface.
In the book titled Preparing for the Next Pandemic: Lessons, Stories and Recommendations, the two doctors use Idaho has a prime example and even break down how the gem states counties varied in laws, rules and handling the pandemic in its stages. These two health experts also spent a good chunk of time advising Idaho leaders through 2020. The book has over 100 recommendations for how organizations, leaders and governments should handle the next pandemic. The book is set to be released in early 2022 and will be published by John Hopkins University Press.

Both, especially Epperly had protestors outside of his home regularly as he was a board member for the CDC giving recommendations that were not always popular with regards to regulations and Idaho school mandates. In hind sight most people, be it leaders or citizens would adjust some things from the last 18 months. Overall Idaho bounced back better than many other states on multiple levels.
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