Unclaimed Idaho Lottery Ticket Worth $100K Expiring Soon
There's money on the table and it could be yours! How many times have you bought a lottery ticket and found it in the bottom of your purse? Well, you need to go check that out because it could be the ticket worth $100,000 that hasn't been claimed yet! According to KTVB, the ticket (expiring on March 13) is part of the Fourth of July Raffle held last Summer.
How could anyone forget about their tickets??! Gah, it's making me anxious just thinking about it. But, apparently, it has happened before. KTVB says that "in 2010 and 2012, Idaho had $1 million winning Powerball tickets go unclaimed." Ugh, can you IMAGINE the agony of finding that ticket after it expires? That would be suuuuuch a bummer. So, go dig through all your purses, wallets, and pockets and see what you won. There are a ton of ways to check too. Head to the Idaho Lottery website, download the 'Check-a-Ticket' app, and any retail location in the State will help you out.