Pay it forward.  You hear about these stories all the time and today we were treated by KBOI to a pay it forward story out of Emmett!  Here's the deal.  It happened on Friday night at the Cold Creek restaurant in Emmett and lasted all night long.  One of their regulars got up to pay his meal and then he asked to pay the tab for another table he didn't know and thus the chain started.  They said the chain almost died out when the place started to empty.  The table didn't know who to pay for next, but luckily there was a to-go order to take care of.

Servers say the chain went on all night long and customers wouldn't  even question the bill they were paying.  They say it didn't matter how big the tab was or if they had a table of four or if they were eating prime rib,  everyone just paid it forward.

Good Job Emmett!

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