The Powerball Jackpot is now at $500 million for tonight's drawing. There hasn't been a jackpot this big in about a year.


Today on the show, I asked people what they would do if they won $500 million, and I got a lot of great answers!

Crystal said, "I'd probably buy myself a new car, and I'd buy my parents a new house, I'd buy myself and my family a new table because our table just broke in half. And I'd pay for my college career since I'm doing that right now, and the rest I'd probably go shopping,"


Darren had a great response, He said "I would give a lot of that money away to local charities. Places that helped me and my family. I know what it is to struggle. I would just go around to the homeless shelters, and hand out money to people that need it. That's what I would do."


Sharon said. " I would take my Relay For Life team to Hawaii, and I would give a lot to charity."


Jason said, "I'm in construction, and whatever tool I was holding in my hand, I would drop, and then head to the nearest truck dealership and buy a new truck."

A brand new 2015 Ford Mustang GT will run you about $40,000. You could buy 12,500 of them. I saw somewhere the other day that there is a 105 inch TV that you can buy for a hefty $120,000. You could buy 7,000 105 inch TVs.

What would you buy if you won $500 million?! Leave a comment below!

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