A new law, Assembly Bill 1084, has been set into motion, one that tears down the pink and blue divides in large retail stores, demanding them to establish gender-neutral sections for children's toys and childcare items. This revolutionary mandate, signed into effect by Governor Gavin Newsom, has sent shockwaves across the country, shaking the very foundations of traditional gender norms.


Imagine no more aisles adorned with delicate dolls reserved for girls, no more sections filled with robust trucks and action figures exclusively for boys. Instead, a free-for-all zone where children can choose their playthings without the constraints of societal expectations. A place where a boy could choose a kitchen set without a second glance, or a girl might pick up a superhero figure without hesitation.

But hold your horses! Let's shift our gaze to the rugged, fiercely independent state of Idaho. Idahoans, known for their staunch commitment to personal liberties and freedom of choice, would likely balk at such a dictate from the government. The idea of the state imposing its will on how businesses should present their products? Unthinkable!


With its spirit of rugged individualism, Idaho would not stand for such governmental overreach. The people of Idaho value their freedom to choose and believe in businesses' rights to operate without undue interference. An attempt to enact a similar law in Idaho would likely be met with a stout resistance if not outright rebellion.

California may be comfortable in its role as the trailblazer in progressive policies, but Idaho would prefer to march to the beat of its own drum. Thank you very much!

*Remember, these are hypothetical scenarios based on the existing California laws and may not accurately reflect the views of all Idaho residents.

32 States With Laws to Take Guns From Certain People

The 2nd amendment is very important for Texans. However, it's very possible Texas could follow other states and take guns away from certain law breaking citizens.

Gallery Credit: Canva

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff

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