Best Buy to Stop Selling This Item on Sunday
I bet your parents can remember when they stopped selling cassette tapes in stores. Well, it's now time for our generation to feel the sting of changing times. Best Buy has announced that they will stop selling CDs on Sunday, July 1st. WHOA! Pretty crazy right, I mean, let's be real, when's the last time you actually bought a physical ID, but STILL! It's weird to think that you'll no longer have to comb the aisles searching for your favorite artist's name on those white plastic dividers.
According to KTVB, the news comes after it was revealed that Best Buy was only generating about $40 million annually on CD sales. The electronics chain is going to continue to sell vinyl records, however, so you can still get the satisfaction of holding music in your hands...for now.
Here's a fun fact: according to KTVB, the best selling CD of 2016 was....wait for it....a Mozart Boxset. Well that doesn't make sense, right? It does when you consider that each boxset contained 200 CDs. So, is the news surprising? Will you be making a stop at Best Buy for a little nostalgia?
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