Boy Scouts Are Dropping The “Boy” And Will Now Be Just Scouts
There's been a lot of talk and controversy over the Boy Scouts of America now allowing girls into the program and now they say they're committed to taking this all the way by dropping the word "Boy" and going with Scouts of America.
According to USA Today the Girls Scouts of America are not impressed. They say this scouting program still does not provide any new "girl specific" programming. Girl Scouts of the USA say they're the leader and premier development organization for girls and they don't plan on going away. They plan on continuing to be top dog for young women in the scouting program.
Unfortunately both programs seem to be taking a hit ever since the Boy Scouts started accepting girls into their program. Different organizations and religions that backed and supported the scouting programs are declining to be part of the new direction scouting is headed and some individuals are not happy with all the decisions being made as well.