Canyon County Will Honor Idaho’s 76 Fallen Officers This Friday
Canyon County will honor Idaho's fallen officers with the 11th Annual Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony this Friday, May 19. The event will be hosted by Sheriff Kieran Donahue and the Canyon County Sheriff's Office. The ceremony will be held at Canyon Hill Church of Nazarene Community Park and begin at 2:00 pm with a police motorcade arriving at the park, followed by the posting of the colors by the Canyon County Sheriff's Office Honor Guard and the Caldwell Police Departments Pipes & Drums.
The public is encouraged to arrive by 1:45. The event will run until about 3:30. The U.S. Attorney for the District of Idaho, Joshua D. Hurwit, along with other honored guests, will share their remarks and will then be followed by the reading of the 76 Idaho law enforcement officer who has died in the line of duty. Roses will also be placed on the stage in remembrance of each of Idaho's 76 fallen officers.
Special guests include Idaho State Senator Todd M. Lakery, Idaho State Police, Lt. Colonel Sheldon Kelley, Reverend Bill Roscoe, Caldwell Police Departments, Chief R. Ingram, and other area law enforcement agencies.
Sheriff Donahue will also welcome special guest Angie Mendoza, survivor and girlfriend of slain LAPD gang investigator Dernando Arroyos in 2022. According to CNN, Arroyos was killed during a robbery in South Los Angeles when three gang members and an associate decided to rob Arroyos while off duty with his girlfriend.
Canyon Hill Church of Nazarene Community Park: 903 N. Michigan Ave. Caldwell, ID, 83605. If you need more information, you can call the Canyon Country Sheriff's Office at (208) 454-7318.
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