Idaho Nurse Disposed Kelsey Berreth’s Cell Phone?
New developments are surfacing in the Kelsey Berreth investigation. It was weeks ago that authorities released information about Berreth who had been missing for more than 10 days. One of the key clues was the last place Berreth's cell phone pinged at was in Gooding, Idaho. NBC News has just reported that a woman in Twin Falls, Idaho is being investigated for possibly disposing of Kelsey Berreth's cell phone. Twin Falls is approximately 35 miles away from Gooding, Idaho.
Very little information as to who this woman is or how she could be connected with the murder has been released. NBC News has said that the woman in question is 32-years-old and she works as a nurse in Twin Falls.
Berreth has been presumed dead by authorities and her fiancé, Patrick Frazee has officially been charged with first-degree murder. Authorities believed she was killed in her Woodland Park home.