Idaho Stays in Stage 4 Even with Higher COVID Numbers
Just a few hours ago Idaho Governor Brad Little held a press conference giving a Covid-19 update from the Idaho State Capitol Building. Even though Caronavirus or COVID-19 numbers have been rising in the state, even putting Ada Country in the 'red' category, Governor Little is keeping Idaho in stage 4 for another 2 weeks. Idaho has held steady and been stuck at stage 4 since June 13th. It would sure be nice to move up a stage finally. To be honest, this time around I'm surprised it didn't go back to stage 3 with how the numbers have been spiking here and there. The biggest spike in the state has been with people between the ages of 18 to 29.
While he has certainly referenced the importance of wearing a mask to keep yourself and people around you and in the community safe during the pandemic, he gave it special attention this time around. He seemed to be near pleading with the people of Idaho to be responsible and wear a mask whenever possibly necessary. Governor Little did not however, make it a state mandate.
"In fact, our personal actions are better to slow the spread of coronavirus than anything else. Our personal actions determine whether we, as Idahoans, succeed or fail in protecting our neighbors, or our economy during this pandemic," Little said. "Our personal actions are, for the most part, free of costs and a minor sacrifice, relative to the reward of keeping a loved one from getting sick, saving a life, keeping our schools open and protecting our economic prosperity. We're all anxious to get back to normal, myself included, but we cannot let our guard down especially not in the coming months."
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