Idaho Supreme Court To Hear Appeal From Boise Neighborhood Trying to Stop Developers
There is a battle going on in Boise. Developers from all over Boise, Idaho and the United States are trying to get in on the hot, bustling and quickly increasing Boise market. Population continues to boom in Idaho and specifically the Treasure Valley faster than almost anywhere else in the U.S. The real estate market is showing some signs of slowing down, but it is not slowing down developers.
I work in Downtown Boise and it seems like you can't go more than a few blocks without running into a newly built or currently under construction building of condos or apartments. Out of downtown, in Boise, Meridian, Nampa, and Caldwell there are new development neighborhoods taking over properties constantly. Well one Boise neighborhood is fighting back and fighting back hard.
Boise's North West Neighborhood Association has been fighting to stop a 286-house subdivision from being built for just over 3 years. According to Sally Krutzig with The Idaho Statesman, the association lost the first round in court at the end of the summer but are not done fighting. "Neighbors' biggest concerns involve how the Prominence subdivision would affect the area's wildlife, character and access to fire services. The defense argued that the council had violated residents' rights by not allowing them due process during public hearings."
Donations from all over the city, even some not in the vicinity of the neighborhood have sent in donations to fight back. The appeal is being filed with Idaho Supreme Court and if nothing else, is at the very least slowing down the developers progress.
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