This year Memorial Day will be observed on Monday, May 30, 2022. 

Please join us in honoring Idaho's Service Members Killed In Action. Read on for details.


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Instituted shortly after the Civil War to honor fallen Confederate and Union soldiers, the solemn day of observation was once known as Decoration Day.


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From the time of its inception, Memorial Day has been revered and observed nationwide. Interestingly, however, it wasn't until 1971 that the United States declared the occasion a federal holiday. At the same time and under the same law, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act was established to create a three-day weekend for national civil servants.


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Frequently confused with Veterans Day, Memorial Day honors our Veterans who sacrificed their lives while serving in the United States military. By contrast, Veterans Day occurs November 11—the anniversary of World War I—in honor of Veterans and victims of every American war.


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Donning a red poppy flower in remembrance of service members Killed In Action is a popular Memorial Day tradition. Inspired by a patriotic World War I poem, you can learn more about the tradition's origins here.

Another time-honored ritual is visiting the gravesites of deceased service members. Associated with the practice is the misconception that departed Veterans are best honored at official Veteran cemeteries. Patriots are free to acknowledge all Veterans no matter where they're laid to rest. Expressing an attitude of gratitude is all that matters.


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Gem State patriots inclined to celebrate Memorial Day with the Idaho Division of Veterans Services are invited to attend a one-hour ceremony at Idaho State Veterans Cemetery. The ceremony, which includes a commemorative wreath presentation by local Veteran agencies, begins promptly at 10 a.m.

In a show of touching support, local members of Bugles Across America will render TAPS on their bagpipes at noon, 2 p.m., 4 p.m., and 6 p.m. If you have yet to experience TAPS in-person, or delivered by bagpipes, it's truly incredible. We hope to see you there!


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