Push for ‘open-caption’ theaters in Idaho
Right now, only one theater in the Treasure Valley offers open-caption movies. That movie theater, Majestic Cinemas in Meridian, opts to show movies with the captions right on the screen instead of having their costumers use closed-caption devices. See, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, theaters must have some sort of closed-caption device, however, those that are hearing impaired are pushing to have more open-captioned movie options at other movie theaters in the State.
According to KTVB, folks with hearing issues say those devices are “very bulky, uncomfortable, heavy,” and some times those devices don’t even work properly. So, the hearing-impaired community are looking to encourage other movie theaters around the Valley to offer movies with open-captioning a couple times a week, like Majectic Cinemas does.
If you’re interested in checking out a movie that offers open-captioning, you can CLICK HERE to get a full listing of moves being shown at Majestiv Cinemas that offers that option.
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