Popular SOLD OUT Concert in Boise Canceled Last Minute
Now, we need you all to take a few deep breaths with us before we begin… Ready?
Deep breath in… Deep breath out.
*Repeat as many times as needed, and then proceed.*
Concert goers all over the Treasure Valley woke up this morning to some terribly tragic news.
It’s the one of the worst kinds you can get as a music lover…
OKAY, we may be acting just a little bit dramatic, but seriously, we were heartbroken.
Where was this supposed to take place?
The Idaho Botanical Gardens is an extremely popular venue in the Treasure Valley, and they are hosting a number of concerts all summer long at the Outlaw Field.
So far, their turnouts have been truly extraordinary!
Concert after concert has been selling out, which both shocks and excites the music lovers in Boise, and keeps them on their toes as they rush to buy tickets before they’re gone.
What concert was canceled?
Well, earlier today, Rainbow Kitten Surprise made a shocking announcement that they’re going to have to cancel their show that was supposed to take place in Boise tomorrow – as well as the rest of the shows on their tour in July and August.
While we completely understand and relate to their plight, and they absolutely have to do what’s best for themselves and their own mental health, to say we are devastated is an understatement.
Plus, we know we’re not the only ones!
Although tickets went on sale for their Boise concert back in February of 2022, tickets were sold out to their show almost immediately.
And The Outlaw Field has the capacity of fitting 4,000 people – so that is a lot of fans that will be disappointed.
On the bright side to all of this, at least everybody’s money should be reimbursed, and there are a lot of other incredible concerts coming to Boise’s favorite venue this summer!
Continue reading below to see what some of them are.
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